Tagebuch 125;2015 englisch

or meaningless
On May 24, 2015
The man comes out of nowhere and he goes back into nothingness.
Mankind comes out of nowhere and she disappears into nothingness.
True to Shakespeare:
To be or not to be, that is the question here.
I have grown 9 months in my mother then been born to die again.
Where is the point of it all?
Is there an afterlife or not.
This also means there was a life before, or not.
Life before and the afterlife, would be one and the same life.
If there is no life before and no afterlife, then has in and of itself life
does not make sense. The man was just a senseless accident. No more and no
Whether that is now considered an accident, or as a legitimate development,
does not matter.
Both are equally meaningless.
The question of why, the reason and the Why, the purpose should still be
If there should be no reason and no purpose, then life is just baseless and
futile and therefore pointless.
I do not believe in reincarnation!
Because I believe in life before, in which I then dipped again.
I think that makes sense. Everything else is more or less meaningless.
I do not believe in God, not in angels, not to the devil, but I believe in
myself and my future and past, both of which are identical.