Tagebuch 102;2014 englisch

On Thursday, the 13th February 2014
Everything that science holds "true" today will be tomorrow
Everything that science holds "wrong" today might be "true"
tomorrow .
Science just is based on the trial and error method.
What is honored today as " nonsense " , is tomorrow for science-based
All that is now part of the scientific "theory" for tomorrow "
nonsense " explained.
All science is always based on error.
No science will ever be completed or are . There is a continuous development.
A complete "true " scientific "theory" there will never be
So there will be no " world formula " that could explain our entire
universe from beginning to end and in all its borders.
And science will never be able to explain what has caused our universe to life.
Since all failed science.
And neither of the multi- god belief , nor the monotheism can prove that your
" assumptions " are "true" .
You can just as his "true" "false".
Also, the " faith " is simply just a "theory." Today may be
"true" and can be " wrong " tomorrow .