Tagebuch 100;2014 englisch

The Nothing
01 February 2014
Our universe has a beginning in time . As the ever looked.
Our universe will come to an end in time . How this is Whatever .
Because our space is limited in time , it must also be limited in space .
If it were spatially unbounded , then it would be time limits!
There are endless limited worlds. Temporary worlds it just follows spatially
limited worlds.
There is only one time boundless world and it follows that it is precisely
spatially limitless.
That's the only real existing world.
All worlds are limited only virtually existent.
All limited worlds are created by the borderless world and get a limited time
in a limited space on "life."
Each limited world comes from a specific region of the borderless world .
They are a product of this region.
Our Earth is the product of the earth in the borderless world .
Humans, animals and plants are products of the essence of the earth from the
borderless world .
Our earth is the image of a part of the boundless earth.
People are products of the essence of this actually existing Earth.
The animals are products of the essence of this actually existing Earth.
The plants are the product of the nature of these real-world Earth.
The earth is the product of these real-world Earth.
So :
When the lights go out for the individual living beings on earth : What happens
with this ? ( for example with the people? ) .
Then is the end of everything ?
Or is it a new beginning ?
Where were we before birth ?
Where will we be after death?
Is this one and the same place ?
Where do we come from ?
Where are we going ?
What are we doing here ?
Where do I come from ?
Where am I going?
What do I want here?
I come from nothing ?
If I go into nothingness ?
I Will Not here?
Has that here His sense?
Or is it?
Nothing or is it nothing?
To be or not to be, that is the question here ......