September 1992
On 01.09.1992
The time marks the human and
the nature, the life! It is the maternal imprinting! It shapes the mind and the
life! You also shapes dead matter!
The mind has its origin in
the future and in the past!
He is eternal!
The time has its origin in
the future and its estuary in the past!
The mind has an origin in the
future and an origin in the past. It flows into the future.
The room has its origin in
the past, and empties into the future.
So there are three ways:
Spirit is the addition of
space and time!
Spirit creates life!
(Infinitely many ways!) (To infinity anywhere!)
Other conclusions:
We as humanity are still the
lowest life thinking of the universe, because we are still isolated in the
(island) live earth!
We have not (yet) the (solid)
reaches land of the living!
We will achieve it (yet)!
We have not (yet) have a
No man is to formulate
something absolute able! Given our language is already relatively! You must be
strongly influenced on the earth!
The "Time" binds
more tightly than any other "power"!
Only the "spirit"
can be obtained through "times"!
The "space" is
preserved on the "times" to the "eternity"!
The "matter" of the
"space" will "eventually" obsolete! You will pass the
The "finite" life
and "finite" mind going into the "eternity" a!
This is the finite life of
man, the humanity!
On 03.09.1992
Learning means to wonder!
Thoughts freely and independently of all rules and laws only for the benefit of
humanity and all life!
When a man dies he is taken
into the past! Man experiences the past to the origin of life and to the
emergence (creation) of the universe! He gets back in the future forever!
He learns the future of the
universe know right! Up to the completion.
On 05.09.1992
Spirit is a
"current" that flows through time and space! He is dynamic! The
denser mind is, the easier and faster it flows! The less dense is mind, the
harder and slower it flows!
On 06/09/1992
Eternity in space was always
and will always exist!
The spirit was created and
will last forever!
Being was created (the
universe) and will be completed (pass)!
Life was created and will be
completed (eternal life)!
The time comes from eternity
and goes into eternity!
Man acts in the future!
Man acts on the ground!
Man acts with the help of his
Man acts! As long as he
From "Bild am Sonntag
from 06.09.1992".
Implications: We are all
"Africans"! Who can deny its "cradle" ?!
How can we study the cradle?
On 07.09.1992
Each person has his own
conscience limits.
Man feels guilty or he does
not feel guilty!
A large debt can a human
burden for a lifetime! Usually only other people can help reduce a debt!
Who can compose the details
so that they make sense, or a path and a direction to be recognized!
When will this man come into
the world?
Where will it come from?
What will he have to tell us?
How will he look like?
He knows anyway a way how
mankind can be saved!
This will be his life's work!
On 08.09.1992
With the entire eternal life
the creation of the universe! I have learned in my life, that unbelief is
rewarded with faith!
With faith, the deeper, purer
and more comprehensive than faith, which is just after the word, singing,
A conscience would exclude
debt and should include only good. But that is not so far! "Every
individual has a different
Conscience and this change
also over time!
The conscience is determined
by feeling.
It is:
Congenital (from inside)!
Instilled (from outside)!
Even appropriated (acquired)
(from inside and out)!
By feeling the limits of
conscience are established. Did you feel good, you find yourself within the
limits of conscience!
If the individual is anxious,
then you approach these limits!
but Occurs a sense of guilt,
then you have exceeded these limits certainly in a certain direction!
Every thinking being has a
conscience. So every person! Each has its own, tailored to him conscience!
Everyone knows his limits and is careful not to exceed this! All humanity has a
Its borders are very far! But
even humanity knows guilt-feelings towards nature!
The entire life of the
universe has a conscience! This we do not know yet! Every conscience is limited
spatially, temporally and spiritually-emotionally! Every conscience has outer
limits, fear of exceeding
and internal borders.
On 09.09.1992
We should have respect for the
(good) people and we should have contempt for the (evil) people!
So we need every individual
respect for ourselves have (if we do good) and contempt for ourselves have (if
we do evil)!
However, we humans can indeed
good and evil do not differ so right! What for one person is good, can be bad
for the other people and vice versa!
But as we come out of this
dilemma of good and evil out again?
The principle is quite simple
and the most natural thing in the world: We have our conscience decide! Then we
will (in general) always decide correctly.
Specifically, it will always
be exceptions. Aberrations in the conscience. Light suggestibility and many
other more!
One should think before you
trade and not vice versa!
One can not say that the
world is good or the world is evil! The world is always good. Only the people
do good and evil! In the world! Animals and plants sometimes seem a philosopher
rational beings!
But animals and plants are
now not even as free as the people! This can only be controlled by instincts
and can not decide what to do and what is good evil! This can on Earth only
Nevertheless, he is, that's
why sometimes unreasonable as animals or plants! Only the earth itself
sometimes seems to bring things to unreasonable way.
Namely natural disasters of
all kinds, people, animals and plants can harm! Why is this the case?
Even the universe is to
accomplish seemingly irrational things in the location! Cosmic catastrophes of
all kinds, which can harm living organisms on planets to a large extent!
Why is this the case?
We should know that our life
on earth and therefore limited in space, so finally is! This of course also
serve personal disasters such as severe illness! High material losses and much
more! Every little disaster is related to the greatest disaster, the offenses
(destruction) of the universe!
Their aim is to complete the
finite life and the transition
reach to eternal life! (Can
be seen)!
Of course, human disasters
play a role as war, racial discrimination, oppression of peoples, hunger, AIDS
and so on! But that should be only memories!
I believe in the victory of
reason even if humanity! The reason to himself, to nature and to the universe!
On 10.09.1992
Reason Does it Mean to freely
and independently for the better as far as to profess and act possible
thereafter! Identifying the Necessary and achieve the possible!
Even if the possible never
achieved what is necessary, we must always strive for as a goal! Our
possibilities and their fulfillment are prerequisites for the future of peace!
In happiness and love for the people, to nature, to the universe and the life!
On 17.09.1992
Opposites are interdependent
and go into each other! Dialectics of Nature! Apparently it's true! But there
are just more laws that affect this dialectic.
The word "or" does
not in the nature!
It is the final word of the
split! In the nature
there is only the word
"and". This is the word of unity!
That is the path we must go
as humanity! It is our life, we have constantly before us.
The unity of mankind is the
history in their origin!
The unity of mankind is the
future in their goal!
Everyone needs to make its
own contribution and must find his own way! But he should seek him with all
The split in the mind is more
difficult to change than the division in the room! The best example of this is
even now today Germany! The spirit of Germany and the area of Germany! The
popular saying that time heals all wounds. Even the spiritual wounds!
A Healthy becomes ill and
unexpectedly enters the healing!
Created passes and is re
From death to life in death!
From astonishment at
recognizing amazed!
From laughing at the weeping
From Yes on the No to Yes!
From good over evil for good!
From cause of the effect to
the cause!
On the Uses of the damage for
the benefit!
Of the quality over the
quantity to quality!
On 09/27/1992
We are not the center of the
We are not the core of the
universe and we are not at the edge of the universe.
We are in the middle. Amidst
thinking beings of all kinds of the entire universe! There will be meetings
with other intelligences. I'm waiting for it! Maybe I did not experience the
more than human, perhaps.
On 30.09.1992
Time is more precious than
any material value! Time can be replaced by nothing, they can not buy or sell!
Either you
uses the time, or you hurt
yourself! Lifetime is probation!
A grace that you get paid you
have to recognize and to
act this finding. Who does
not recognize a grace, is blind and aimless! Life without current knowledge is
unconscious poor
(Animal) life!
Those who live by the life
will, without a goal, would have been better not even born! Man needs a goal,
otherwise he loses the courage! Life Tired people are the suicide close!
The time from the future! The
aim is in the future!
So the time knows the
destination of man, since it has come to this page!
Time on earth is homogeneous.
They can be divided into seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks. Years, leap
years, and year-billion! There seems to be nothing to change the flow of time!
The homogeneous image
simulated on Earth! It's like a silent, secluded forest lake, which is
disturbed by nothing in its rest! But once is
also this homogeneity vanish!
Time is deeply inhomogeneous,
just as the mind just can never be homogeneous! Although sometimes it seems!
The spirit of man is determined by the time.