Diary 04
On the 13/05/1992
Are there higher beings than people in the universe? Yes, but also these are mortal!
On the 18/05/1992
The knowledge explosion increases in the apparently infinite.
The knowledge has borders (everlasting secrets).
Everlasting secrets:
- Everlasting secret remains the number Pi.
- Everlasting secret remains the origin of the language.
- Everlasting secret remains the 100%th knowledge about the nature.
- Everlasting secret remains the origin of the physical laws.
- Everlasting secret remains the 100%th knowledge of the history.
- Everlasting secret remains the 100%th knowledge of the future.
- Everlasting secret remains the soul.
- Everlasting secrets remain an origin and end.
The everlasting secrets are the borders of the knowledge.
The being called, the knowledge is limited to the humanely recognizable.
In addition, the faith begins. He encloses the knowledge.
He begins where the everlasting secrets form the border.
Who thinks logically, recognises his borders. No one will decipher an everlasting secret.
I think in the fact that beings from all on the earth were, on the earth are and on the earth will come! These beings can make themselves not discernible for human senses (and technology).
They have an order.They are observers. But they are no angels or gods etc.
These beings will intervene only in the history of the humanity if it becomes serious. They are as mortal as the people.
The human life is limited. The human mind is limited.
The matter is limited.
The time is limited. The natural sciences are limited.
Everything humanely logically tangible is limited!
In the 5/19/1992
The person is on the earth to work.
The person becomes maximum 100 years
these are 1,200 months
these are 36,000 days
these are 864,000 hours
these are 51,840,000 minutes
these are 3,110,400,000 seconds
Basic questions of the life are:
Where from am I?
To what, how I am there?
Where does the life go?
The person is born in the core. He separates spiritually from the core.
Besides, he recognises his spiritual borders. One can extend these borders by practise (meditation).The borders resemble a form of a circle. There are physical and psychic borders. This is valid for the singles and for the whole humanity.
-Punkt-thinking: Word define.
- Distances - thinking: Dialectic, sketches are possible.
- Surfaces - thinking: Pictures are possible.
- Space - thinking: Living pictures, lives, past and future.
In the 5/21/1992
Faith topical-spiritual eye. The human eye is trained in the womb, from the aim long later to.
We are born everybody individually. Physically and Spiritually! How can the embryo investigate father and mother if it swims only in his fruit bubble?
In the 5/23/1992
It is worth always:
Three facts
A conclusion.
Besides, all facts apply as a fact. Everybody three is valid into each other.
One can form a sentence from it and draw from it the conclusion.
Every person exists of a duality. From mind and matter.
The person is born spiritual-physically anew.
=====> Back to the life!
=====> all died liveIn the 5/24/1992
Faith, natural sciences and matter (live) ====> mind experience (By virtue of).
It is worth from point Zero of the microcosm till the last endlessly distant material point Zero of the macrocosm!
I am Nothing 0
I am infinite everything
My mind is Nothing 0
In the 5/25/1992
By the centrifugal force the universe drifts apart. It is held together by the gravity.
Distinguishing strength centrifugal force
Binding strength gravitation
This is valid in the microcosm; universe and macrocosm!
It must be a huge work.
Can one determine the centre of the universe, his centre?
Then would be won already a lot! We will get to know it everybody!
Can one describe this core? Maybe one could pull analogies of the most complicated nuclear model. Maybe also from the earth model.
In the 5/26/1992
The first person was born when the first word was spoken.
Today many languages and dialects are spoken of many people.
When a language is spoken, the humanity is born.
=====> The abstract language is the sign of the person.
The separating past.
The binding - future.We live on an island and know only the earth. We know about the rest of the universe virtually Nothing! We know about foreign intelligence even Nothing.
We think in the fact that these exist. However, this is also everything.
The same one applies for inhabited planets. Hopefully this soon changes! Sometime we must leave this island if we want to survive.
However, we are able to do this only with the help of foreign intelligence.
4 million priests (actively)
6 millions Sympatisanten
10 millions Worldwide!
The life learns forever from itself and his environment! Work is a learning.
Life is a learning. Physically and spiritually! Spare time is learn. To dreams is learn. Illness is learn. Meeting is learn. Separation is learn. Death is learn.
The right and wrong learn. Sense of the life is a necessary learn.
The purpose of the life is forgotten unnecessary! The wrong forget.
The scientist stacks the available knowledge of one side on the other without finishing all the life with it.
The scientist is the specialist. The worker is the philosopher!
Everybody has his borders in the space!
Earth centre to space borders is a research object!
Details systematise. An overview create! The borders of the knowledge lie in the time, in the mind!
The universe is the hotbed of the life!
In the 5/17/1992
everlasting secrets:
- Everlasting secret remains the origin of the universe.
- Everlasting secret remains the death of the universe.
- Everlasting secret remains the origin of the life.
- Everlasting secret remains the death of the life.
- Everlasting secret remains the centre of the universe.
- Everlasting secret remains the origin of the time.
- Everlasting secret remains the end of the time.