On 01.10.1992
There is a spirit-time flow
and a spirit-term radiation in space!
Spirit and time determine the
climate of the room. The climate determines the people. He must accept it as it
Man can not influence the
climate. He can dress only accordingly!
Everyone has his
micro-climate in and around them! He must live!
On 02.10.1992
Thus, the room air forming
conditions in which we are born into it! And from which we withdraw again! It
is the universe! We are not only children of the earth, but we are children of
the universe!
Like all living things
"interkosmisch" are! We can and should move in space free! We have to
go into space to survive as mankind!
Although similar or same
events. Always take place at another time at another point in space! So there
is no repetition in space and time!
That is the only absolute law
that exists for humans.
All other laws are relative!
The four different ways of
eternity form a unit, which includes everything! All life comes from eternity
and will go into eternity!
Even if mankind dies out,
they will live forever! Every person who dies, lives forever. What applies to a
man, so shall also apply to the whole of humanity!
November 1992
On 11/15/1992
The universe has existed
before the Earth existed. The universe is made, according to which our earth
has passed! Where does humanity? Does she still future?
The earth will be desolate,
uninhabitable! What will become of humanity?
Whether from the inside out
of humanity, or from outside, intelligent beings from outer space, from our
neighbors, does not matter.
Humanity needs guidance and
help! In the future! For their survival. For the survival of the earth! Their
downfall! It has the seed of humanity carried on! Human knowledge should not
perish with the earth! But he will never be forgotten!
The future can not just work
in order to survive their own survival!
It must also be hope! Hope
for a life that consists only of learning, play, sports and art!
Man must free according to
his wishes, can unfold!
What does the future hold? We
can be all excited! What can we expect from the future? Tell us the past?
We must learn from the
past, conclusions for the future!
On 20.11.1992
Who will lead humanity? A
human? If us a beacon (Computer connection) leading to the headquarters of the
As we will learn to move as
galactic beings? How is the understanding within the Galaxy take place? Will we
get connection to the entire universe.
So I can put myself on
Saturn, to see there truths! How on earth and in whose interior! Without me
from my place to move away.
About 9 times larger distance
than the earth from the sun.
10 satellites (moons).
In 29 ½ earth years 1 times
around the sun.
The sun shines 90 times
weaker than on Earth.
10 km / sec, 3 times slower
than the earth.
Diameter of the Saturn
Equator 120,000 km, 9 ¼ times larger earth.
100 times larger soil mass.
7/10 of the density of the
water, 1/8 of the density of earth.
Visible disk is not its true
size, dense core with a high atmosphere.
Appearance of a bright white
spot, when Saturn in min. Brightness.
Flattening about 1/10.
The inner ring is brighter
than the exterior, between Cassini division.
Width of the outer ring
17,800 km.
Width of the inner ring
28,900 km.
Cassini division 3570 km.
Inner ring to Saturnoberfäche
28,000 km.
Third Ring 14000 km from
Saturn surface.
Diameter of the ring system
278,500 km.
Thickness of the rings 1000
to 2000 km away.
Several other columns of
variable width.
In ring system light knots or
Rings are a mass of small and
micro satellites Planetoidenring.
With dimensions up to several
km per satellite.
Moons: Iapetus, Tethys,
Dione, Rhea, Titan, Mimas and 4 Others.
The white spot means that
artificial light is produced at Saturn!
The dense atmosphere protects
from cooling Saturn.
The Saturn surface
temperature is unknown.
The flattening only affects
the atmosphere.
The inner ring is illuminated
by Saturn.
On 21.11.1992
The knowloedge:
From the creation of mankind
to its perfection is in every human being, is stored in each of its cells! So
also in the brain!
Concrete from conception
until death of a single individual and the totality of all individuals!
Only the most can not
"remember"! Most people are present people. They know only Nahstarts
and immediate objectives of past and future! Many get distracted and overlook
the essentials by details!
Hardly one knows concrete
meaning and purpose of existence! This is actually only in knowledge gathering.
Knowledge of the place, time and way of life! Who knows, acts afterwards! The
way through the essentials of knowledge are only a few!
There is only one person who
knows the beginning and the end of creation.
He "lives" in our
He will not be seen! Only
when the time comes, he can "talk"! We have to be patient with him.
His life must not be endangered! Its existence ensures the existence of
He must act in secret,
otherwise mankind would destroy his existence and thereby himself!
It will be found in it much
more excellent properties. But details will reveal the future.
On 23.11.1992
Motto of life:
Life Friends Hobbies history,
philosophy, literature.
Health body mind soul Hobbies
Music, Sports.
Leisure Friends Hobbies
Computer, Writing, thinking.
Work more or less a necessary
evil eventually hobby computer.
Hobbies! Sleeping, dreaming,
senses, friends, children, languages.
On 26.11.1992
The Large is located next to
the little ones in between are worlds apart!
Mark the transience of
existence, of life.
The universe is a temporary
phenomenon and that life is eternal being! (Idealist).
Life is a temporary
phenomenon and the universe is eternal being! (Materialist).
One of these two assertions
is true! But what is the truth?
The universe is a temporary
phenomenon and that life is a
temporary phenomenon!
The universe is eternal being
and life is eternal being (Optimist).
These two assertions are not